Improvisation “Kagura Project”
12 September 2015, “Minoh no Mori Artwalk 2015”, square by the Ryuanji Temple, Miinoh-city Osaka
I was invited as a part of the Kagura Project founded by a trumpeter Christopher Fryman to perform improvisational painting. With the energy of performers who improvise and dance inspired by this mountain and forest in Minoh in the square by the Ryuanji Temple, I mindlessly spreaded the colours onto the canvas which I collected in the Minoh forest. I felt that art was a kind of offering to God.

即興パフォーマンス[Kagura Project]
ハーベスト・ムーンKagura Project is a multi-media performing group of dancers, musicians, and artists.
Kagura Project will present an entertainment about the harvest of life on earth. The performers will enter the Ryuanji temple grounds with a deep sense of reverence for the space. Dancers will bless the grounds, the trees, the buildings of god spirits. The artist Miki Wanibuchi will present her painting as the performance evolves. Butoh dancers, exotic creatures in white will slowly move through the spaces. Musicians will create a sound space. A moving festival.
Carnival in Minoh to celebrate Autumn, reaping the fruits of growth from births in spring.
Kagura project
カグラ・プロジェクトは今回、地球上のいのちの実りをひとつのエンターテイメントとして表現する。パフォーマーたちは瀧安寺前の広場にこの地への深い尊敬の念をもってうやうやしく入る。ダンサーたちは神霊宿る地面、木々、建物を 賛美し、アーティストはパフォーマンスが展開するのに合わせてペインティングを披露する。白を纏った舞踏家というエキゾチックな生き物はゆっくりとその空間をうごめき、ミュージシャンたちは音の空間をクリエイトする。
[ Kagura Project ]
Trumpet: Christopher Fryman
Saxephone: Makoto Ito
Warr Guiter: Bun Ito
Percussion: Jerry Gordon
Dancer: Nagako Mizuno
Artist: Miki Wanibuchi
Photo by Kaoru Minamino